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Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian

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Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian

Botanical science tells us that plants also-have life. Then where lays the difference between vegetarian and non-vegetarian food?
There are two kinds of life on earth, animate and inanimate. Men, beasts, birds, fish etc are animate life or movable living beings; while trees and other plants are inanimate life or immovable living beings.

Fruits ripen on the trees and then fall of by themselves, branches and leaves may be chopped off a tree and new one arise in their place. Many plants are propagated by their cuttings. Others can be transplanted. But all this is not possible with birds and animals. No limb of an animal can grow by itself after cutting. Man cannot produce his own offspring or other animals like plants from earth.

All the living beings are made up of five elements - the earth, water, fire, air and sky. All these five are present in man clearly and predominantly.
Only four elements - earth, water, fire and air are predominant in animals.
Only three elements - air, water and fire are predominant in birds.
Two elements - earth and fire - make up the insects.
And only one element of water is predominant in fruits, leaves and vegetables etc. The rest four elements are in sleeping state in vegetables and plants.
Therefore, eating vegetable foods consumes the minimum of elements of Nature.

In olden days saints and sages did not pluck fruits from the trees, but they ate only those fruits which have fallen by themselves on ripening. Minimum damage to life is the basic criterion. There is no harm in obtaining fruits from trees but harm lies in their cutting.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 8/9/09
Updated on 04/12/12