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Taken from Reader's Digest Fact Book, p 115

Hindu Dharm = Vaidik Dharm = Sanaatan Dharm = Human Dharm

Hindu Means ------------ -----Human
Vaidik Means------- --------- From Ved
Sanaatan Means------- ----- The oldest, eternal, everlasting, without beginning and end
Dharm Means------- -------- Qualities and characteristics

Fire's Dharm (quality) ------------ --------is to burn
Water's Dharm------- --------- ---------   is to wet
Air's Dharm ------------ --------- ---------is to dry,
Prithvi's Dharm ----------- ------------      is to tolerate etc.

Human's Dharm (quality) ------------ ----  is to treat others the way you treat yourself, because the world is one big family and everyone and everything is created by the one same God The Supreme Energy or power / The Universal Energy or power/ The Cosmic Energy or power.

It means I don't want to be killed, therefore, I should not kill others.
This means:
No wars, in wars many innocent people are killed;
No abortions, by abortions many unborn innocent children are killed.
If a woman becomes pregnant the fault is mother's and father's, not of the child. Why kill the innocent, faultless child?
No meat eating, etc. by meat eating many innocent animals, birds, fish, etc are killed.
No egg eating because eggs are birds and animals unborn children - by eating eggs, birds, and animals unborn babies are eaten up.

I don't want to be exploited, therefore, I should not exploit others, means: no colonialism, as British Christians did of India, Africa, Australia, Canada, America, New Zealand, etc India never did this and always condemn it.
I don't want to be enslaved therefore I should not enslave others, means: no slavery, as Arab Muslims and American white Christians did to black people. - India never did this and always condemn it.
I don't want to be captured therefore, I should not capture others means: No pets, No jails
--If everyone is taught this from the childhood - Treat others the way you want to treat yourself, there would be very few criminals, no need of jails - a little punishment will set them right. No slavery, etc
We should not take away freedom of Humans, animals, birds, insects, etc.
I do not like to be called Kaafir, heathen, pagan, gentile, non-believer, sinner, therefore I should not call other people Kaafir, pagan, heathen, gentile, non-believer or sinner, etc. Kaafir word is used by Muslims for non-Muslims, Pagan, heathen, gentile, non-believer, sinner words are used by Christians for non-Christians - Hindu never did this and always condemn it.

I do not want to be persecuted, mutilated, coerced or coaxed into any other religion, therefore, I should not persecute, mutilate or coerce or coax others into my religion. India never did this and always condemn it. (To bring back the p;eople to their original freligion is not conversion)
Every human should treat others well, just, proper, fair, decent, right > and impartial instead of biased, unfair, unjust, unreasonable and partial.

Religion is for the betterment of human race that is why religion is for human race.
Human race is not for religion. Therefore, human race should not fight over religion but should use religion for their betterment.

Difference between Dharm and Religion
Dharm ------ Doing one's own duty is Dharm
Religion ----- What is good for a group of people, big or small, to exploit, monopolize and to blackmail others.
Cult------when religion is used by a person or persons for their own benefit that is cult

Symbolic Meanings
More than one head means that god/goddess / The Universal Energy can think and see and hear everything, everywhere and at any time.
More than two arms and hands means that god/goddess / The Universal Energy can do everything, everywhere and anytime.
Body of man and head of an animal (elephant), e.g. Ganesh means that: Humans and animals are both created by God/Goddess / The Universal Energy. Humans cannot live without animals, therefore, human should not kill animals. To remind people not to kill animals, every Poojaa is started by Ganesh Poojaa.

Body of man and face of an animal (monkey) e.g. Hanumaan means that if a child is born with unusual features he/she should be treated well because he/she is also created by the same God/Goddess / The Universal Energy and should not be treated badly and that person might has some special qualities as Hanumaan Jee had. Hanumaan Poojaa is very famous to remind people not to mistreat the children with unusual body or features.

World's Oldest Religion and Their Language
Hindu Dharm = Sanaatan Dharm = Vedic Dharm = Human Religion
Hindu Dharm is the oldest religion of the human race and the world.
Sanskrit - Sanskrit is the original language of the human race and is the oldest language of the world. Originally, all people in the world were Hindu and spoke Sanskrit, every other language of the world is evolved from Sanskrit. Examples: --------

Cut Means ------- To cut. It is the same in English and in Sanskrit.
Sept Means----- Seven. It is the same in French and in Sanskrit
Shiv Means----- Death or gone to the dead in Hebrew, which shows the similarity to Sanskrit - Shiv - the god of death in Hindu Religion
Sthaan Means Place.------ --------- It is same in Arabic, Persian, and in Sanskrit, e.g.: Paakisthaan, Baloochisthaan, Afghanisthaan, Turkisthaan, etc.
Gaathaa Means ------------ ------Story - is the same in Sanskrit and Zoroastrian language

Last Names---
Shaw , Shah , Sha  ------------ --------- --------- is same In Hindu, Christians, Muslims and Paarsee
Naathan became as Nathan square ------------ -- is same in English, Jews and Hindu
Raajaa/Raajan/ Raanaa are ------------ ----- same In Hindu and Muslims

Omnipresent = God is everywhere
Omniscient = God knows everything
Omnipotent = God is all powerful
All three English words - omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent - start with OM, which means God /Goddess / The Universal Energy in Sanskrit and in Hindu religion.

Holy Cow ----A Canadian expression came from Hindu because Cows are considered Holy By Hindu
Holy Smoke------ Holy smoke (Havan smoke) - Hindu do Havan - Havan smoke is considered Holy By Hindu

Street Names
August Ave. ------------ --August was a great Rishi in Hindu religion

Vaidik Gods
The Vedic Gods - Mitra, Varun, Indra - are integral part of Avestaa, the Zoroastrian scriptures.

As people spread out from their original location and time passed, new languages and religions developed. Every 100 years produce an approximate 1% change in a language and in religion. Evidence is there that since the British came to North America about 300 years ago, the Canadian English has undergone an approximate 3% change from England English to Canadian English. 100% change will occur in about 10000 years. Canadian English would evolve into another language altogether in about 10 thousand years, but will have some common words of old English. The passage of time and the movement of people accounts for the many new languages and religions of the world.

Canadian English, American English, Australian English, New Zealand English, etc. each is different now from England's English but their ancestors all came from England about 300 years ago who spoke England's English. Change did occur in due course of time.

Some examples of English and Canadian words:
English----- --------- --------- ------- Canadian

bathroom  ---- --------- --------- ---- washroom / toilet
biscuits ---- --------- --------- ------ cookies
bonnet ------------ ----- -------- ----- hood
car trunk ------------ --------- ----- car boot
cinema  ------ --------- --------- ---- movie
cot --------- --------- --------- --- - crib
lift ------------ --------- --------- -  elevator
path ------------ --------- --------- --side walk
patrol ------------ --------- --------- guard
petrol ------------ --------- --------- gas
push chair ------------ ---- -------- stroller
sofa ------------ --------- ---------- couch
torch ------------ --------- --------- flash light
trolley ---- ----- -------- ---------- cart
trunk ------------ --------- ---------  box
underground, tube-------- ------ --- subway and many many more -------



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 8/9/09
Updated on 04/28/13