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Acupuncture in Vigyaan Bhairav Tantra 30 Acupuncture therapy is based on Vaidik cosmology, hence, acupuncture and Yog are two faces of a coin. There is an ancient Sanskrit text called Vigyaan Bhairav Tantra. This is known as a book on Yog; but it is unknown that it is also a book on acupuncture. This VB Tantra describes the acupuncture - needle therapy - to release the Praan/energy blocked in the Indriyaan which constitute the human body.
kram dwaadashakam samyag dwaadashaakshara bheditam This Shlok tells the first stage of Brahmaand - Vaidik cosmology of human body. "Dwaadash Akshar" letters are the Mool Sthaan of creation. It is called Swaraakshar. "Swar" is breath/Praan - creation of breathing/Praan centers. Human beings breathe through these Dwaadashaakshar; nose/fingers/toes being the medium. Hence Akshar are Praanamaya - full of Praan. Being so, Akshar are very powerful tools to maintain and activate the Praan Shakthi. All Mantra are made out of Akshar, for example, Gayatri Mantra consists of 25 Akshar - a group of five letters into five groups. What are these groups? 1. аpabcga Idaa and Pingalaa Hence, Gayatri Mantra is considered as the most important Mantra; among all other Mantra. Acupuncture has all these 25 points for needling. The above VB Tantra Shlok tells about 12 Akshar in Idaa and Pingalaa. This is the first stage of breathing and we breathe through these 12 letters which are known as 12 Indriyaan which constitute the human body. Since we breathe through these 12 Indriyaan, which are also known as Praan Shakti Centers, It is absolutely necessary, for our wellbeing, to see that Praan moves from one Idaa/Pingalaa to another Idaa/Pingalaa smoothly. When Praan doesn't move freely; or is stuck up in any Idaa/Pingalaa, then diseases arise. The corresponding Indriya cries for Praan. In this situation that acupuncture comes into picture. The affected Indriya in Idaa/Pingalaa is Bheditam - piercing these points with needle to remove the blockage, so that Praan starts flowing freely there. Now what are the Swaraakshar in each Idaa and Pingalaa:
1. Aakaash - Pingalaa - Heat and cold, happy and unhappiness toss the human beings day and night through-out his life. An acupuncturist needles 3rd and 4th points for heat; 9th and 10th points for cold and so on and so on. Thus acupuncture is a Vaidik therapy. It is simple, safe and curative. It is also drug-less and diet-free. VB Tantra - Shlok No 55 This Shlok describes a Dhaaranaa - meditation technique to strengthen the weak Dwaadash Indriyaan. When a needle is inserted on acupuncture points, there is a vibration of Praan on that point and meditate on that vibration sensation. What is known as Shat-chakras in Yog; is known as six meridians in acupuncture. Six Indriyaan are Shiv and with addition of six Indriyaan as Shakti, it becomes Dwaadashaansh - 12 Indriyaan - Shiv-Shakti; Soorya-Chandra, etc. These Twelve Indriyaan rotate the human body in the name of Ghalige, Tithi, Maas and Samvatsar on hourly, daily, monthly and yearly basis. this is called as Kaal Chakra. Acupuncture tells elaborately - to a very great extent - on Vaidik cosmology - the story of creation of human body - Idaa and Pingalaa, Panch Bhoot; Maas (months) and Samvatsar. Acupuncture has a chapter on Dwaadashaansh - 12-points - therapy. Study acupuncture to know Vaidik cosmology. It is easy to understand it through acupuncture; but extremely difficult to understand through Vaidik books. By studying acupuncture, you are not only studying Vaidik cosmology; but also the whole Hindu philosophy.
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Created by Sushma Gupta on 8/9/09
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