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7-Curses to Raakshas

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7-Curses to Raakshas

Hindu scriptures are full of boons and curses. Normally only gods, kings, Apsaraa, Yaksh etc were cursed. Raakshas who have been cursed are very few, because they always performed lots of penance and were granted their interested boons. Here are the names of those Raakshas who were cursed ...

Kaalnemi's 6 Sons, Cursed by Hiranyakashyap
Kaaalnemi Raakshas was in the times of Hiranyakashyap. Kaalnemi had 6 sons.  In the company of Hiranyakashyap's son Prahlaad they started worshiping Vishnu. Hiranyakashyap did not like this, he wanted that everybody should worship him only, so he cursed them - "You will be killed by your father only." In their later births, Kaalnemi was incarnated as Kans, and his sons were born as 6 sons of Devakee who were killed by Kans only.

Raavan, Cursed by Many
Raavan had many curses on his head. His all curses are given in V-Raamaayan. He had about 6 curses on his head. Read about all of them HERE.

Utkach, Cursed by Lomash Muni
Utkach was Hiranyaaksh's son. He was bodyless. No information is available of Utkach's previous life. He was Hiranyaaksh's son in Chaakshush Manvantar. One day he felled many trees in Lomsh Muni's Aashram by his body. So Lomash Muni cursed him - "You are very proud of your body, so be bodyless." That is why he became bodyless. he asked the Muni's forgiveness, he said - "My curse cannot be a lie, but when Bhagvaan will incarnate in the 28th Dwaapar of Vaivaswat Manvantar, then you will be free from this curse by the touch of His feet."



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 8/9/09
Updated on 08/23/13