Ganesh Jee | Stories-17
Ganesh Jee-Stories |
17-Ganesh and Gajmukhaasur |
17-Ganesh Jee And Gajmukhaasur There was a Raakshas named Gajmukhaasur. He had the face of an elephant with a body of the human being. He did a lots of Tap and pleased Shiv Jee. Shiv Jee appeared before him and asked him to ask for any boon. He asked for immortality, but Brahmaa Jee refused to give this boon and asked him to ask for any other boon. After a brief thought, he said - "I should be killed only by a person who is like me - head of an elephant and body of a man." Brahmaa Jee said "So be it" and disappeared. Equipped with this boon now Gajmukhaasur started oppressing the three worlds. Now from where to bring such a man who has elephant's head and a human being's body? So when Ganesh Jee was born with such a form, he killed him with his broken tusk only. The corpse of Gajmukhaasur took the form of a mouse and approached Ganesh Jee to bless him. Ganesh Jee blessed him and used him as his ride. According to a book "Ganesha the Auspicious... the Beginning" by S Jagannathan and N Krishna, as Ganesh Jee went to kill Gajmukhaasur he could not be killed by him. He knew that Shiv's boon was protecting him, so he broke his right tusk and threw it at him cursing to become a mouse. When he became the mouse, Ganesh Jee used him as his ride and kept him under his control."
Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on March 15, 2003 and Updated on
May 18, 2013
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