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18-Varg D-27

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Varg-D-27 - Nakshatraansh

D-27 Nakshatraansh, Bhaansh, Sapt-vinshaansh - A Bhaansh of a Raashi comprises of 1°06'40'.

Bhaansh - like Navaansh - are counted regularly through the whole Zodiac, starting from Aries, ending in Pisces and restarting with Aries.

Bhaansh (D-27) are dividing a Navaansh (Nakshatra Pad) into three parts, therefore they are like a 'Dreshkkaan within a Navaansh' (without Dreshkkaan mapping rules).

Dreshkkaan is related to ambitions, interests, desires and activities related to wish fulfillment; Navaamsh is related to our Dharm, life purpose and goals, our hidden potential. Bhaamshas indicate hidden strengths and weaknesses of planets which are furthermore to be developed and our unconscious wish to develop them resulting in personality growth.

Bhaansh Varg is the chart of our unconsciousness, a term taken from modern psychoanalysis. It indicates very deep and hidden desires, wishes and potential and our unconscious aim to fulfill them. It is therefore particularly interest for psychologists and psychotherapists.

Bhaansh Varg are related to the Bhaav Kaarak of the 3rd and 9th Bhaav, Mars and upiter.

All indications from 9th Bhaav can be derived from Graha's placements in Bhaansh:
unconsciousness strengths, forces, weaknesses and shortcomings which are furthermore to be developed, very hidden potential, how planets are acting unconsciously and are directed to aims we are not facing consciously, deep rooted problems within ourselves.

The Bhaansh is closely related to the Navaamsh in which it is placed - and of course to the Nakshatra of this Navaansh; it is the last regular Varg/ Divisional Charts. D-30, D-40, D-45 and D-60 are formed irregularly. Another point of view given by American Vaidik Astrologer David Frawley is that Bhaansh give closer explanation and description of the exact degree in a sign a planet is placed in.

A Bhaansh (D-27) divides a Navaansh by 3, and an Aksh-vedaansh (D-45) by 8.

Navaansh Nakshatraansh / Bhaansh
(1) 00°00' - 03°20' (1) 0° - 1°06'40" (2) 1°06'40" - 2°13'20" (3) 2°13'20" - 3°20'
(2) 03°20' - 06°40' (4) 3°20' - 4°26'40" (5) 4°26'40" - 5°33'20" (6) 5°33'20" - 6°40'
(3) 06°40' - 10°00' (7) 6°40' - 7°46'40" (8) 7°46'40" - 8°53'20" (9) 8°53'20" - 10°
(4) 10°00' - 13°20' (10) 10° - 11°06'40" (11) 11°06'40" - 12°13'20" (12) 12°13'20" - 13°20'
(5) 13°20' - 16°40' (13) 13°20' - 14°26'40" (14) 14°26'40" - 15°33'20" (15) 15°33'20" - 16°40'
(6) 16°40' - 20°00' (16) 16°40' - 17°46'40" (17) 17°46'40" - 18°53'20" (18) 18°53'20" - 20°
(7) 20°00' - 23°20' (19) 20° - 21°06'40" (20) 21°06'40" - 22°13'20" (21) 22°13'20" - 23°20'
(8) 23°20' - 26°40' (22) 23°20' - 24°26'40" (23) 24°26'40" - 25°33'20" (24) 25°33'20" - 26°40'
(9) 26°40' - 30°00' (25) 26°40' - 27°46'40" (26) 27°46'40" - 28°53'20" (27) 28°53'20" - 30°

(1) 00°00' - 03°20' Aries (1 Aries, 2 Taurus, 3 Gemini)
(2) 03°20' - 06°40' Taurus (4 Cancer, 5 Leo, 6 Virgo)
(3) 06°40' - 10°00' Gemini (7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius)
(4) 10°00' - 13°20' Cancer (10 Capricorn, 11 Aquarius, 12 Pisces)
(5) 13°20' - 16°40' Leo (13 Aries, 14 Taurus, 15 Gemini)
(6) 16°40' - 20°00' Virgo (16 Cancer, 17 Leo, 18 Virgo)
(7) 20°00' - 23°20' Libra (19 Libra, 20 Scorpio, 21 Sagittarius)
(8) 23°20' - 26°40' Scorpio (22 Capricorn, 23 Aquarius, 24 Pisces)
(9) 26°40' - 30°00' Sagittarius (25 Aries, 26 Taurus, 27 Gemini)

(1) 00°00' - 03°20' Capricorn (1 Cancer, 2 Leo, 3 Virgo)
(2) 03°20' - 06°40' Aquarius (4 Libra, 5 Scorpio, 6 Sagittarius)
(3) 06°40' - 10°00' Pisces (7 Capricorn, 8 Aquarius, 9 Pisces)
(4) 10°00' - 13°20' Aries (10 Aries, 11 Taurus, 12 Gemini)
(5) 13°20' - 16°40' Taurus (13 Cancer, 14 Leo, 15 Virgo)
(6) 16°40' - 20°00' Gemini (16 Libra, 17 Scorpio, 18 Sagittarius)
(7) 20°00' - 23°20' Cancer (19 Capricorn, 20 Aquarius, 21 Pisces)
(8) 23°20' - 26°40' Leo (22 Aries, 23 Taurus, 24 Gemini)
(9) 26°40' - 30°00' Virgo (25 Cancer, 26 Leo, 27 Virgo)

(1) 00°00' - 03°20' Libra (1 Libra, 2 Scorpio, 3 Sagittarius)
(2) 03°20' - 06°40' Scorpio (4 Capricorn, 5 Aquarius, 6 Pisces)
(3) 06°40' - 10°00' Sagittarius (7 Aries, 8 Taurus, 9 Gemini)
(4) 10°00' - 13°20' Capricorn (10 Cancer, 11 Leo, 12 Virgo)
(5) 13°20' - 16°40' Aquarius (13 Libra, 14 Scorpio, 15 Sagittarius)
(6) 16°40' - 20°00' Pisces (16 Capricorn, 17 Aquarius, 18 Pisces)
(7) 20°00' - 23°20' Aries (19 Aries, 20 Taurus, 21 Gemini)
(8) 23°20' - 26°40' Taurus (22 Cancer, 23 Leo, 24 Virgo)
(9) 26°40' - 30°00' Gemini (25 Libra, 26 Scorpio, 27 Sagittarius)

(1) 00°00' - 03°20' Cancer (1 Capricorn, 2 Aquarius, 3 Pisces)
(2) 03°20' - 06°40' Leo (4 Aries, 5 Taurus, 6 Gemini)
(3) 06°40' - 10°00' Virgo (7 Cancer, 8 Leo, 9 Virgo)
(4) 10°00' - 13°20' Libra (10 Libra, 11 Scorpio, 12 Sagittarius)
(5) 13°20' - 16°40' Scorpio (13 Capricorn, 14 Aquarius, 15 Pisces)
(6) 16°40' - 20°00' Sagittarius (16 Aries, 17 Taurus, 18 Gemini)
(7) 20°00' - 23°20' Capricorn (19 Cancer, 20 Leo, 21 Virgo)
(8) 23°20' - 26°40' Aquarius (22 Libra, 23 Scorpio, 24 Sagittarius)
(9) 26°40' - 30°00' Pisces (25 Capricorn, 26 Aquarius, 27 Pisces)

D-30 Varg
1. Nodes are not considered for D-30 and is so in Vedic astrology mostly
2. Life givers like the Sun and the Moon are always considered to be good
3. After the above considerations are reconciled we are left only with 5 major planets
4. These planets represent for 10 signs (excluding Cancer and Leo)
5. Of these 1, 3, 7, 9 and 11 No Signs are represented by Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn respectively as Lords of odd Raashi
6. The remaining Signs are even 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12 representing for Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
7. Of these 5 planets Jupiter and Mercury are given higher arcs of 7 deg and 8 deg respectively.

Jupiter and Mercury share the total of 30 degrees from the 4 different Signs. The rest of 3 planets get 30 degrees from the remaining six signs. This is the interpretation probably Varaah Mihir might have considered. This we have to understand that Trishaansh is basically gives insight to mal conditions, otherwise mankind have to face adversaries.

It is especially useful in female horoscopy.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 06/21/2012