Astrology | Miscellanea


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The longevity (Aayur) Yog discussed in astrology belong to 3 categories.
1. Sadyo Mrityu Yog (Sadyo Arisht Yog) - they indicate sudden death of the child immediately after birth - i.e. within an year of birth.
2. Arisht Yog - they indicate the death of the child within 8 years of age.
3. Alpaayu Yog - they indicate death of the native within 32 years of age.

If these 3 kinds of Yog are not present in the horoscope then means the native with have a comfortably long life that might range from 32 to 120 years of age. At least a near to maximum expected longevity can only be calculated using Param Aayur Nirnaya methods.

Mrityu = death happening after the completion of full longevity as indicated by the chart; i.e. death on time. (Kaal Mrityu)
Apa Mrityu = Untimely death. Death happened due to the above three kinds of Yog, or suicide, not getting proper treatment after eating poison or an accident etc, before reaching full longevity as indicated by the chart. "Apha Mrityu"  "Ava Mrityu"а are all wrong spellings; Apa Mrityu is correct.

In short Mrityu means death, Apa Mrityu means untimely death.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 10/31/2012